Monday, 25 March 2019

NederMoot 2019 schedule confirmed

The full schedule for NederMoot 2019 has now been published:

We are delighted to be able to showcase a great variety of interesting talks from experts and enthusiasts on subjects ranging from literature adaptation to storytelling in music to discovery in games. Registration is still open! Please be sure to spread the word about this wonderful day!

Thursday, 31 January 2019

NederMoot 2019 tickets now open

Registration is now open for NederMoot! You can purchase tickets and reserve your place here:

Tickets are €30, with a discounted rate of €20 available to students of Leiden University.

Students should get in touch directly for discount pricing.

There is also now a Facebook page for the event where you can discuss plans with other attendees.

Don't forget the Call for Papers is still open (till 3rd March) for those wishing to deliver a talk or run a session at the symposium.

Sunday, 4 November 2018

NederMoot 2019 - Save the Date!

The first Mythgard Netherlands Speculative Fiction Symposium, known as NederMoot, is coming 13th April 2019. It will be a one day series of unique talks on speculative fiction literature, featuring a keynote talk from Dr Corey Olsen (aka "The Tolkien Professor").

Further details will be released soon, including registration options and a call for papers.